Tonight he decided he was going to push his highchair around the kitchen. He has never done this before, but I pushed him in it from the dining room to the kitchen tonight, so I guess he got the idea from me pushing him. He got it out of the kitchen and in the dining room, but he ran out of room. J and I were laughing because his highchair is so big compared to him, but he was determined to push that thing around. We also had some fun with stickers. Ryker and I went shopping tonight and we found some Thomas the Train stickers, so we had to buy them. When we got home J stuck one on his hand and he did not like that so we started sticking them on a piece of cardboard. He thought that was fun, but after J and I walked away he started pulling the stickers off the cardboard and sticking them to his leg. It was hilarious! I picked him up to try to get a picture of him standing, but he wouldn't put his feet down. I guess the stickers were pulling his skin or something. Anyways he eventually stood up and I was able to get a couple good pictures.
He is still calling J Da, but he has begun to say Daddy recently, and it's really cute. He calls me Mommy, but he has also been calling me Mom. I like both, but with him calling me Mom it really hits me that he is growing up and he's not a baby anymore, he's actually a little boy. He also says, "sorry" and "I like it". It is amazing to watch him grow and change everyday. We love our little super
hero so much!

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