Ryker never stops amazing J and I. Yesterday he was playing in the vent (ours are on the floor), he loves to feel the air blowing on his face. We had a balloon from Vince's Birthday party and Ryker took the balloon and put it over the vent and of course the air blew the balloon into the air. He thought that was the coolest thing, so he kept putting the balloon in the air and hitting the balloon to keep it up in the air. I was amazed that he knew to do this. Then last night we were reading a bedtime story - What's Up Duck? - is the name of the book. It is a book about opposites. It has one word on each page, example: front, back; happy, sad. We read it often so Ryker is familiar with it, but for some reason the first time we read it last night he was so into it. He wanted us to read it a second time, so we did. This time he would tell us some of the opposites. I said happy and then he said sad. One of his favorites is slow and fast, he loves to say fast! He did such a good job, we read it again. This time he was almost able to tell us what all the pages said! We were in awe! I am so amazed that his memory is so good. I can't wait to see what he is going to do next. Prior to our bedtime story he was downstairs drinking his milk and he was going back and forth from Elmo to Cookie Monster, feeding them his milk. At one point his milk leaked on Cookie Monster and he said, "Yuck" and was wiping it off of Cookie's fur. It was hilarious.
The other thing he says a lot now is Thank You. J and I have been working with him on his manners, mainly please and thank you. He doesn't say please until we tell him too, but he has been saying Thank you on a regular basis. It is so cute because I'll give him some juice or a snack and he'll look at me and say Thank You Mommy. I just melts my heart.
He is also started to ask us and his stuff questions. Today he came down stairs and said, "Whoa, what's that? Airplane, cool", all in one sentence. I couldn't believe it! He is actually answering his own questions. He repeats a lot of words now and it just amazes me that he can say somethings, like: butterfly, rainbow, penguin. He is just so smart!