It's been a while since my last post, but a lot has happened since then. We bought Ryker a bubble mower because he loves bubbles and he likes to push stuff, so this was the perfect toy for him. Needless to say he loves it! He will point to the top of the mower and say, "Mama, what's that" and I say it's a lawnmower, and then he just continues to ask me what it is. He's too cute! Ryker also enjoyed his first ride on Ethan's Gator. Ryker is really into driving so we thought he would love to ride Ethan's Gator with him. He was OK at first, then he held onto the the handle and kept saying, "No, No, Mama, Da, No, No". So we took him off the Gator and he pushed an old baby walker of Ethan's while Ethan drove his Gator around. J really wants to buy him a power wheel, but I think we'll wait a bit, at least until Christmas.
Last weekend we had a garage sale with a couple of our neighbors. It was fun for a garage sale, but getting prepared and cleaning up is the worst, but we made some money, so that was good. Ryker was great at the garage sale. Our neighbors daughter has a little girl named Lana who is almost 3 and she came over for the garage sale. Ryker loves playing with Lana, and they get along so well. Lana always wants to ride in the wagon. It's so cute because they sit in the wagon, but neither of them talk, they just look around and ride. After the wagon ride Ryker wanted to "dribe" so we put them in the Tahoe and let Ryker "dribe" and Lana rode in the passenger seat. They looked adorable. I was going to take a picture, but the glare from the winshield was really bad. They had a great time and we had a great time watching them and talking about how cute they are. We call Lana Ryker's little girlfriend because he lights up when he sees her ( :

We used some of our garage sale money to buy Ryker a train table. He is into trains right now, as well as airplanes and Bob the Builder, but we have an old Brio train set that has been through Jason's family that we needed to display, so the table works great! I picked up the table Monday night and J and I put the train set up so it would be ready for Ryker on Tuesday morning. Tuesday's I work from home, so Ryker and I came downstairs that morning and I was all excited to show him his train table. He looked at it and said, "Cool Da........Yeah.....WooHoo", in that order. I thought it was so funny, especially since J was not even there and he was saying Cool Da - that's one of his new phrases. After he checked the table out for minute he noticed that we put one of his frogs on the table, so he ran over there and grabbed the frog saying "ribbit, ribbit" and he continued to play with his frog. After a while of playing with his frog he finally started playing with his trains. I know he will really enjoy the train table.
In addition to all of the new things above, Ryker has really started to change. He talks a lot more, including putting some words together, he loves airplanes and is always listening for them. When he hears one he stops and says "Aeplane" and he'll look up to the sky to find it. Maybe he'll be a pilot someday, who knows. He also shushs the dogs. He puts his little finger up to his mouth and says, "Shh BenBen", it cracks us up. He has also gotten into saying, "Oh No" and he says loud and as clear as can be. He was saying this through the grocery store the other night, it was pretty funny and some of the shoppers found it be amusing as well. He still says "Hello" a lot as well as ball, Da, Mama, Pa, MamaMama, BeBe (for baby), and anything else that comes into his little mind. He is growing up so fast!, but he will always be my baby!