Last night was Halloween and Ryker had a great time! He was dressed up as a Train Engineer, and he looked adorable! He wasn't real excited about the hat or bandanna, but he got used to it after wearing it for a while. Mamina and Pa came over to go Trick-or-Treat with us, which was a lot of fun. We went to about 4 houses, then Ryker was done. He was scared of people in masks so we couldn't go to far. Mamina and Pa gave Ryker a little goodie bag and in the bag there was a pen that would light up when you hit the Pumpkin on the end of the pen. Ryker thought this was the coolest thing. When we went to our neighbors house to Trick-or-Treat, Ryker proceeded to walk in their house and show them his "pumpkin patch pen". They got a kick out of him. Jason, Lisa and Vince came over later and we let the boys play for a bit before we put them down for bed. We had a great time. Check out the pictures of our little Engineer.