Yesterday (9/14/08) we had a Birthday Party for Ryker's 2nd Birthday. He had a great time! Vince, Ethan, Grover and Kaylee came to help Ryker celebrate. The boys played really well together. It was so cute because all the little guys wanted to help Ryker open his gifts, which was fine by Ryker since he really doesn't care much about opening presents, he just wants the toys inside. We ordered a Thomas the Train Birthday cake from Publix and it was great! It looked just like Thomas and Ryker thought it was a Giant Thomas for him to play with. He was frustrated for a little while because he could not figure out why we would not let him play with the cake. He got over that quickly once his buddies showed up. He got a lot of great stuff (Thomas the Train trains, Mr. Potato Head, Books, Puzzels, Remote control car, step stool, Thomas the Train play hut, Curious George Train, clothes, DVDs, Airplane, balls, Wonder Pets Fly Boat, race car - just to name a few). It looked like Santa had been here, and he's not done yet. We will be at the beach for his actual birthday (9/22) so we are having a small party for him there with my family, so he'll get a little more stuff. WOW what a lucky kid to have so many people love him so