Last Thursday we took Ryker to the Doctor for his 18 month appointment (I know, we're a little behind schedule). He weighs 27.5 lbs and is 34 inches tall. He is in the 66% for weight and 88% for height. Dr. Smiley said he was the best 18 month appointment she had seen in a while, as he was a good boy and actually cooperated and showed off a little bit.
Now that we are on our way to the terrible 2s I can see some little differences in him. He is really testing J and I and he will try to play us against each other - smart boy! If I get on to him, then he runs and cries to J and vice versa. I have a hard time not laughing sometime, but we have to stay firm otherwise we will have a little monster on our hands. He has also started this screaming thing. If he's happy or he just wants to be heard he will just scream, then start laughing. I think it's funny, until he does it at dinner when we are out at a public place, but what can you do? Speaking of laughing he has also started "fake" laughing. I don't know why or where he picked this up, but he will just make himself laugh and he'll cut his eyes over to J and I to make sure we're watching. It's really cute!
If you've spent any time with Ryker lately, you know he is a huge outdoors fan. We have a hard time keeping him in doors, but it's fine for us as the weather has been beautiful. He gets this little walker out that he can push and he runs down the sidewalks. When I say run I really mean sprint, as J and I have to actually run beside him to try to keep up. I'm scared to see what he is going to do after practicing the sprinting behind the walker! J and I will probably have a hard time keeping up with him.
One thing I noticed the other night that melted my heart is the fact that he has a big heart and he wants to share with his friends. We went to dinner with Stephen, Steph and Ethan on Saturday and I was giving Ryker these little Pringle sticks. Each time I would give him a stick, he would give it to Ethan. I thought it was so cute, and I know those little guys love each other! I just hope he still likes to share when he gets a bit older, but we'll see.